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Business Mandarin

Applicable for intermediate Chinese level Engaged in business activities and will use Chinese learners.The teaching material content rich, strong professional.Including enterprise business activities, the company management, job interview scenarios such as common business communication.

  • 10

    topics covered

  • 101


  • 1073

    new words

  • Includes Lesson slides,audio summary and practice papers

1Topic 1. Business Social Intercourse 商务交际
1 1.1 Names and Forms of Address 姓名和称呼 25mins
2 1.2 Introducing Each Other 介绍认识 25mins
3 1.3 Exchanging Business Cards 交换名片 25mins
4 1.4 Everyday Greetings 日常问候 25mins
5 1.5 Showing Concern 表示关心 25mins
6 1.6 Promoting Goodwill and Friendship 联络感情 25mins
7 1.7 Sending Out an Invitation 发出邀请 25mins
8 1.8 Attending a Dinner Engagement 参加饭局 25mins
9 1.9 Showing Appreciation & Presenting a Gift 致谢和送礼 25mins
10 1.10 Saying Goodbye and Seeing Visitors Out 告辞和送客 25mins
2Topic 2. Business Communication 商务通信
1 2.1 Opening a Cell Phone Account 手机开户 25mins
2 2.2 Contacting the Other Party 联系对方 25mins
3 2.3 Calling Someone 电话找人 25mins
4 2.4 Talking to an Operator 对话总机 25mins
5 2.5 Mailing and Delivery Services 邮寄服务 25mins
6 2.6 Sending E-mails 发送电邮 25mins
7 2.7 Replying to a Letter 信件回复 25mins
8 2.8 Instant Messaging 即时通信 25mins
9 2.9 Company Websites 公司网站 25mins
10 2.10 Online Chatting 网上聊天 25mins
3Topic 3. On a Business Trip 商务旅行
1 3.1 Planning an Itinerary 计划行程 25mins
2 3.2 Booking Airplane Tickets 预订机票 25mins
3 3.3 Picking Up Someone at the Airport 机场接人 25mins
4 3.4 Hotel Check-in 旅馆入住 25mins
5 3.5 Hotel Services 旅馆服务 25mins
6 3.6 Taking a Taxi 坐出租车 25mins
7 3.7 Asking for Directions 出门问路 25mins
8 3.8 Taking a Bus 乘公交车 25mins
9 3.9 Renting a Vehicle for a Trip 租车旅行 25mins
10 3.10 Dealing with an Entrance Guard 应对门卫 25mins
11 3.11 Running into Troubles 遇到麻烦 25mins
4Topic 4. Business Negotiation 商务洽谈
1 4.1 General Inquiry 一般询盘 25mins
2 4.2 Specific Inquiry 具体询盘 25mins
3 4.3 Quotations and Offers (1) 报价和报盘(1) 25mins
4 4.4 Quotations and Offers (2) 报价和报盘(2) 25mins
5 4.5 Counter Offers 还盘 25mins
6 4.6 Counter-counter Offers 反还盘 25mins
7 4.7 Reaching an Impasse 陷入僵局 25mins
8 4.8 Methods of Payment 付款方式 25mins
9 4.9 Reaching a Deal 交易成功 25mins
10 4.10 Failed Transactions 交易失败 25mins
5Topic 5. Around the Office 办公室内外
1 5.1 Work Hours 上班时间 25mins
2 5.2 Coffee Breaks 工间休息 25mins
3 5.3 Working Overtime 加班 25mins
4 5.4 Asking for Leave 要求休假 25mins
5 5.5 Newbie on the Road 新手上路 25mins
6 5.6 Office Equipment 办公设备 25mins
7 5.7 Assigning Tasks 分配任务 25mins
8 5.8 Disputes at Work 工作纠纷 25mins
9 5.9 Submitting an Expense for Reimbursement 报销费用 25mins
10 5.10 Office Gossip 办公室八卦 25mins
6Topic 6. Having a Meeting 参加会议
1 6.1 Being Notified of a Meeting 会议通知 25mins
2 6.2 Participants of the Meeting 参会人员 25mins
3 6.3 In Preparation for a Meeting 会议准备 25mins
4 6.4 Meeting Agenda 会议议程 25mins
5 6.5 Work Briefing 汇报工作 25mins
6 6.6 Discussion during a Meeting 会议讨论 25mins
7 6.7 Making a Decision 做出决定 25mins
8 6.8 Comments after a Meeting 会后议论 25mins
9 6.9 Weekly Meetings 每周例会 25mins
10 6.10 Video Conferences 视频会议 25mins
7Topic 7. Human Resources 人力资源
1 7.1 Recruitment Information 招聘信息 25mins
2 7.2 On-site Recruiting 现场招聘 25mins
3 7.3 Interview Notification 面试通知 25mins
4 7.4 The Job Interview 招聘面试 25mins
5 7.5 Salary and Benefits 工资与福利 25mins
6 7.6 Decision of Hiring 决定录用 25mins
7 7.7 Training and Advanced Studies 培训与进修 25mins
8 7.8 Job Transfer and Promotion 调动与升迁 25mins
9 7.9 Decision of Resignation 决定辞职 25mins
10 7.10 Year-end Assessment 年终考核 25mins
11 7.11 Harassment and Discrimination 骚扰与歧视 25mins
8Topic 8. Marketing 市场营销
1 8.1 Marketing Strategies 营销策略 25mins
2 8.2 Advertisement Planning 广告策划 25mins
3 8.3 Sales Promotion 促销活动 25mins
4 8.4 The Market Survey 市场调查 25mins
5 8.5 Sale Agency 销售代理 25mins
6 8.6 Public Welfare and Charity Support 公益赞助 25mins
7 8.7 Applying for an Exhibition 申请参展 25mins
8 8.8 Products Display and Demonstration 产品展示 25mins
9 8.9 After-sale Services 售后服务 25mins
10 8.10 Crisis Management 危机管理 25mins
9Topic 9. Freight Transport Services 货运业务
1 9.1 Date of Shipment 货运日期 25mins
2 9.2 Contacting a Forwarder 联系货代 25mins
3 9.3 Booking Shipping Space 预订舱位 25mins
4 9.4 Packing for Shipment 货运包装 25mins
5 9.5 Cargo Insurance 货运保险 25mins
6 9.6 Cargo Customs Clearance 货物通关 25mins
7 9.7 Notifying Someone of a Shipment 通知发货 25mins
8 9.8 Shipment Delayed 装运延误 25mins
9 9.9 Cargo Delivery Notice 通知提货 25mins
10 9.10 Rejection of Goods 拒收货物 25mins
10Topic 10. Investigation and Investment 考察与投资
1 10.1 Introducing a Project 介绍项目 25mins
2 10.2 Expressing Intentions 表达意向 25mins
3 10.3 On-site Investigation 实地考察 25mins
4 10.4 Risk Assessment 风险评估 25mins
5 10.5 Investment Methods 投资方式 25mins
6 10.6 Loans and Financing 贷款与融资 25mins
7 10.7 Open Tender 公开招标 25mins
8 10.8 Signing a Contract 签订合同 25mins
9 10.9 Investigation and Investment 考察与投资 25mins


This course is designed for students with some background in Chinese and would like to specialise in Business Mandarin. Through the lessons, students will learn how to communicate effectively during business meetings, negotiations, manage human resource issues, carry out research and marketing. 

•    To minimise miscommunications in the workplace

•    To socialise with fellow employees 


•    Online Tutor

•    Lesson Slides

•    Summary Audio Clip